Westbrook Historical Society

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Page Contents: Directions to |  Purpose | Officers |History | President | Committees |

Westbrook Maine Historical Society
Principle and Purpose
The purposes of this Society are to bring together those people interested in the history of Westbrook, Maine, and to discover, collect, and preserve any materials and objects that establish and illustrate the history of the area. The Society shall make all such materials and objects accessible for viewing or study on the premises. The Society shall arouse interest in the past by holding meetings open to the general public, by marking historic buildings, sites, etc. and by using other media to gain public interest in Westbroo, Maine history.

The membership meets regularly for business and entertainment at 1:30 o’clock on the first Wednesday of each month, with the exception of July and August.

President: Mike Sanphy
Vice President:
Debra Shangraw
Secretary: Patti Swett
Treasurer:Lisa Glidden

Diane Turgeon Dyer - Wayne Chick - Mark Swett - Julie Peterson

Newletter Editor:
Mark Swett

The doors of the Westbrook Historical Society are open to the general public every Tuesday and Saturday morning, 9:00 AM to noon. Capable volunteer staff is present at that time to help visitors with their interests and their needs.

Our new location is handicap accessible and located at 426 Bridge Street in the Westbrook Community Center. Arrangements for special openings may be made by calling the office at 207-854-5588 or e-mailing us at westorical@myfairpoint.net

Meetings, Membership and Newsletter Information
Meetings: The Society holds a board meeting on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:00 AM.   (Click HERE to access our Program Schedule.) The meetings are free and open to the public. Visitors are always welcomed!
Membership: $15.00 per year due July 1st. Send checks payable to Westbrook Historical Society, 426 Bridge St., Westbrook, Maine 04092. (Click HERE to access a membership form.)
Bylaws & Standing Rules: Updates coming
Newsletter: An informative newsletter is published 4 times per year and is included with membership. The newsletter contains historical articles about Westbrook as well as information about our members and the Society’s activities. (Click HERE to download current and previous copies of the Newsletter.)
History of the Westbrook, Maine Historical Society
Westbrook Trust Company

In April 1975, the Westbrook City Council Planning and Development Committee announced a meeting for anyone who was interested in forming a historical society. Then Alderman-at-large Roger Knight, chairman of the committee, said the meeting was called in response to concerns that there was no place in the city to preserve historical relics and artifacts and there was no organization charged with this interest and responsibility.

Thus, the Westbrook, Maine Historical Society was formed. The Society was housed in the old Westbrook High School on Main Street where a fine collection of artifacts and ephemera began to be collected and displayed.

In 2001, the Society was moved to a larger facility on the second floor of the Stephen W. Manchester Post 62 on Dunn Street where the collection continued to grow.

In January 2012 the Society moved again to the Westbrook Community Center at 426 Bridge St (the former Wescott Jr. High School building.) The collection is now handicap accessible and housed on the ground floor.


Michael Sanphy Elected President  

Michael John Sanphy grew up and went to schools in Portland but his adult years have been spent in
Westbrook where he worked for the Westbrook Fire Department Engine 3 Call Company, the Emergency Management Team, and the Westbrook Police Department.  He retired from the police department in 2008 after forty years of service; making him the
longest serving member of the WPD

  Mike is a U.S. Navy veteran and a graduate of  the University of Maine in Portland. He is married to the former Cheryl McKenney and he has four children. Mike continues to work part time at a local funeral home while continuing his active 15 year membership in the Westbrook Historical Society and more recently, his volunteer service to the Fireman’s Museum in Portland.
Photography and history are two of Mike’s great loves and he has amassed an extensive collection of old Westbrook photographs which he’s always willing to share.  Since 1975 he has been a weekly contributor to the American Journal newspaper with his popular photographic columns Old Photos of Westbrook and “Then and Now”.  The Then and Now column shows a photograph of Westbrook in the past, side-by-side with a photo of the same site today.  He has also presented slide shows on Then & Now
            His vast knowledge of Westbrook history, its businesses and people, will make him a great ambassador for our organization.
Standing Committee Assignments

Lisa Glidden

Library and Museum  
Publicity Mark & Patti Swett
Program Deb Shangraw

Patti Swett


Diane Dyer


Patti Swett


Mark Swett

The President is a member of all committees by virtue of her office.
Newsletter Editor Mark Swett
Location & Directions  
The Westbrook, Maine Historical Society is located at 426 Bridge Street in the Westbrook Community Center (the old Wescott Junior High School). It is one block off the intersection of Cumberland Street and Bridge Street, next to Congin Grammar School.
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© 2006 Westbrook Historical Society, 426 Bridge Street, Westbrook, Maine 04092     •    (207) 854-5588
by magtreedesigns